Plantasia is a typeface family created by the students of the G5 Communication 360 class (LISAA Graphisme, Paris, Fr), during a type design initiation workshop given by Lucas Descroix (Bonjour Monde) in September 2022.
Students were asked to create a display typeface based on a type of plant. In order to get an interesting conceptual distance they first gathered words and images, then explored abstract rhythms by hand. When working in groups, each student was in charge of a specific style variation (Regular, Italic or Bold), creating smaller sub-families.
These 24 fonts and accompagnying specimen material have been entirely designed and generated by students during a one-week workshop. They are available under CC BY-ND 4.0 license and as is, without any warranty. Neither Bonjour Monde nor the students shall be held responsible for any issue resulting from downloading and/or using the Plantasia font files. That said, have fun!
Plantasia Arbo
Maureen Bouché (Regular), Léna Garenne (Italic), Charles Clédat (Bold)
Inspired by the Aloé arborescence.
Plantasia Bioma
Ella Du Chatellier (Regular), Julie Debeuf (Italic)
Inspired by the Philodendron melanochrysum.
Plantasia Calacarn
LĂ©onard Petit (Italic), Damien Guillon (Bold)
Inspired by the Caladium Carnival.
Plantasia Fryd
Emma Bastard (Regular), Lise Denis (Italic), Marine Vinolo (Bold)
Inspired by the Alocasia Frydek.
Plantasia Gimmy
Winyan Legrand (Regular), Lucie Dutot (Italic), Lola Lavau (Bold)
Inspired by the Gymnocalycium mihanovichii.
Plantasia Glycine
Hector Travaillé (Regular)
Inspired by the Wisteria.
Plantasia Myrtillo
Amira Karam (Regular), Florian Bonlarron (Italic), Ismaël Frihi (Bold)
Inspired by the Myrtillocactus geometrizans.
Plantasia Pilea Peper
GaĂȘtan Chauvel (Regular), Tanguy Dodon (Bold)
Inspired by the Pilea peperomioides.
Plantasia Stera
Léna Damiche (Regular), Jade Degrelle (Italic), Mattéo Bohe (Bold)
Inspired by the Monstera Variegata.
Plantasia Stingray
Alexandra Roche (Light), Emma Kentzinger (Heavy)
Inspired by the Alocasia Stingray.